We are back! It’s been a good break and we feel a bit behind because there are many events and news to share! Today we kick off our new blogging schedule with a fresh category called, “Scenes from SVT”. On these weeks, you’ll see images from behind the scenes, pretty vintage items, or visitors to SVT with limited text. The other weeks will be a longer blog as we will showcase an event, styled shoot, feature, tips, or adventure. (Geez, it’s been a while since we’ve been on an adventure! We’ll have to remedy this asap!)
Today is the debut of “Scenes from SVT“. We think it’s a great beginning!
Our most recent visitors…

A few updated areas at the studio…

Lastly, a few pretties… (Psst – the hydrangeas are from our yard!)

And, a final photo of me with a black eye – when a trumpet falls, it leaves a mark!

Thanks for visiting! We are back on schedule so be on the lookout for our latest Sunday’s post!