Scenes from SVT – Our Clients’ Vintage Creativeness

One thing is certain – vintage has many flavors, colors, and designs and our clients prove this time and time again. Today we are showcasing some of the most recent designs by our clients.

Recently, we consulted with photographer Rae Marshall about her upcoming photo shoot at the Matthews and we both loved the final result. The shoot, also designed by Sophie Johnson, will celebrate the LGBTQ+ community as well as include some of the many inclusive vendors. Add the florals and this will be a feast for the eyes!

Both Chelsea and Jessie love color, vintage, and mismatched china. The spring-colored vintage goblets accompanied by a mix of vintage plates will wow their friends next spring at Windy Hill Farm.

Purple, pink, and amber are adorning Lisa and David’s reception tables with vintage goblets and plates that coordinate with these colors. The vintage orange goblets they are holding are for their sweetheart table. We always enjoy seeing our wedding planning friends, and Stephanie of Beauty and the Budget introduced us and helped them make their selections.

Baby showers are fun to plan and attend! Since the parents are farmers, this “cabbage patch” theme promises to honor their family as well as provide many memorable, adorable moments.

Did you know that we also provide centerpieces and speciality items? Hayli and Karel wanted color! They used our vintage colored goblets and glass dessert serving pieces that perfectly expressed who they are. Cori and Nolan came to us for their centerpieces that will include dried floral arrangements we will create. Finally, our most recent visitor wanted vintage vases for her reception restaurant tables as well as dessert serving pieces for the 800 cookies on their wedding cookie table!

Whether it’s color, patterns, plates, centerpieces, or a combination of everything, we love providing our services and vintage wares to our clients. One thing is certain – it’s loads of fun, too!

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