It’s time to check off the second of our three goals we set at the start of the new year! Southern Vintage Table is now offering our collection of cool and wonderful doodads and small linens in a “per table” package so you can customize your own vintage look. Announcing… (Drum-roll, please…)
~ Southern Vintage Table’s Centerpiece Packages! ~
You have your guest list finalized and now you’re ready to design your vintage table centerpieces. You want something different for each table but you also want the tables to look coordinated and you don’t have time to scour the thrift stores for cool vintage stuff. No worries! We’ve got you covered in 5 easy steps with an example to boot!
Step 1: Determine how many clusters you’ll need for your vignette.
To follow the decorating rule of odds, you’ll need 1, 3, or even 5 clusters depending on the size of the table and the size of the bouquet. Of course, the rule of odds can be ignored but it’s a good place to start.
~ For our example, we are using a small bouquet in a milk glass vase as one cluster and need 2 more.
Step 2: Decide on the number of different groups of vignettes.
This step is to help you get organized with the details. If you have 3 tables, maybe you want a different vignettes for each table. But if you have 8 tables, maybe 4 different vignettes times 2 would work best.
~ For our example, we have 9 tables and we are going to use 3 different groups of vignettes (Groups A, B, and C).
Step 3: Create a formula for each vignette grouping.
Here’s where the creativity comes in! To help focus choices, we have categorized our vintage items by the material they are made of – metal, organic (wood, paper, cloth), and glass/ceramic.
~ For our example, the goal is to represent each material category and vary the heights. We also want to include a small bouquet and some form of candle lighting. Here are our example formulas. Note that each grouping has a different number of items but still have three clusters in the vignette.
- Group A (5 items) – Metal – Brass candleholder; Organic – Doily and small wooden stand; Glass/Ceramic – Milk glass vase and sedum teacup
- Group B (5 items) – Metal – Brass candle holder and silver box; Organic – Doily and dried rose; Glass/Ceramic – Milk glass vase and votive insert
- Group C (7 items) – Metal – Picture frame and short pillar stand; Organic – Book stack, small doily, large doily; Glass/Ceramic – Votive and milk glass vase
Step 4 – List the items needed by their three groups.
~ For our example, we’ll need the following for our 9 table centerpieces. Although we are using the same basic items in the groupings, each vignette will be a little different! How wonderful is that?
- Group A – 3 Tables – 3 each
small wooden pedestal, teacup sedum, medium doily, short milk glass vase, tall brass candlestick holder - Group B – 3 Tables – 3 each
small metal box or similar item, dried rose/flower, medium doily, short milk glass vase, tall pedestal candle holder - Group C – 3 Tables – 3 each
book stack, low pedestal candle holder, small/medium frame. small doily, tall milk glass vase, glass votive
Step 5 – Let Southern Vintage Table select, pack, and deliver your items!
Ready to get started? We can help you create your own “formula” and suggest items for your unique, fun, and charming centerpieces!
~ Items ~
Metals – frames; postcards on fork stands; candle holders (brass and silver); candle stands; small metal boxes; small metal pitchers; alarm clocks; sifters; kitchen scales; decorative tins; brass animals; silver-rimmed coasters; small silver trays; sad irons and trivets
Organics – books; doilies; wooden boxes; wooden frames; sedum teacups; baskets; pine cones; shells
Glass/Ceramics – milk glass vases; blue, green, and clear glass vases; ceramic vases and planters; votives; bottles; glass candle holders; ceramic figurines and boxes; salt & pepper shakers; petite teacup & saucers
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