Getting ready for the holidays? We have just begun at home and have pulled out some of most treasured decorations collected years ago. On the dining table are some of our nesting “dolls”. They are so fun to open to find the smaller ones inside. The greenery came from the back yard.
Below is the mantle-scape which features a collection of vintage cats, crates, trays, books, and thrift-store petite trees. The tall wooden kitty in the middle is very special – it was an 18th birthday gift from my boyfriend who is now my husband. (He hit the mark on this one and we are definitely vintage!)

We also played around with a couple of holiday tablescapes at the studio. The green and deep red layering of plates are a nod to the holiday colors but with a bit of vintage swag. Our favorite decor items are the little trees that are nestled in the vintage milk glass vases but we think the grass chargers are not needed after all. Too bad we didn’t get that photo!

That’s it for today’s post! We need to dig out a few more holiday decorations, go online to do a little shopping, attend a dinner party with friends, and meet with two potential clients this week. Just the right amount of busy for us!