Our blog is on vacation but we have one breathtaking photo from Jump Off Rock in Laurel Park, just outside of Hendersonville. Our son took us there at sunset and we stood there for a while, taking in its natural beauty.
This spot is a popular place for visitors. According to Romantic Asheville, the story behind the name goes like this.
It’s certainly a romantic view, complete with a tragic legend of a young Cherokee Indian maiden receiving word that her young Indian chief had been killed in battle. So she climbed to the edge of the rock and jumped off. On moonlit nights you can supposedly see her ghost on rock.
We have more places to visit, including hitting as many ice cream parlors as we can on The Hendersonville Ice Cream Trail. So far we have enjoyed delicious scoops from 4 of the 11 featured in a recent Our State Magazine. With only two more days, we’re pretty sure we won’t get to all of the remaining seven but we’ll give it our best! So far, Celtic Creamery is at the top of the list!

Have a great week!