Five weddings, five new-to-us venues, 850 total miles, 533 total guests, and 2048 individual pieces – this week’s journey for our vintage beauties has been quite a story. For us, it has been both a challenge and a privilege to fulfill our clients’ requests for their wedding day with the range of our vintage items in our inventory.
Upon reflection, we realized this weekend was a big deal for Southern Vintage Table, and although we still have lots to do on the backend, we feel quite accomplished.

For weeks we planned for this group of weddings, made sure we had the right crates and racks to transport the number of dishes, coordinated delivery and pickup dates/times, and finalized orders. The dishwasher hummed for days as dishes were freshly cleaned, crates labeled and packed, and set aside by client.
You may wonder, what were those 2048 items we sent out? Here’s the count!
- 800 salad/dessert/saucer plates
- 325 colored water goblets (amber, light green, light teal, and blue)
- 230 dinner plates
- 225 gold flatware pieces
- 70 teacups
- 64 berry bowls
- 50 wine goblets
- 60 napkins
- 40 clear tumblers
- 40 clear coupe goblets
- 40 brass candleholders
- 30 brass napkin holders
- 21 assorted decor pieces
- 9 teapots
- 8 books and tins
- 5 decanters
- 4 sugar & creamers
- 4 tiered stands
- 2 easels and 2 frames
One more return tomorrow/today and everything will be back at the studio. Cleaning, drying, and restocking are well underway while we also prepare for the upcoming week’s event – an annual tea party. Selecting teacups, saucers, plates, and pots is always a treat for us!

This long anticipated week is over and we feel a bit weary, but also invigorated by the folks we met along the way, the sights we enjoyed, and the side trips to a few thrift stores. 🙂 After delivering to The Meadows on Thursday, we sat for a spell and captured this beautiful, serene view.