Southern Vintage Table Vintage China Rental NC

Vintage Feature – Progress on our 2016 Goals!

Vintage Stoneware Patterns at Southern Vintage Table

Here in North Carolina many of us love snow! This weekend, with a mixture of snow and sleet, our landscape is now bedecked in white. In between watching the endless snow reports on tv and cat-napping on the couch, we are pleased to share that progress has been made on our 2016 goals!

First, as displayed above, we created a wonderful photographic splash of some of our vintage stoneware patterns. We pulled these cool dinner plates for a couple as they plan their barn wedding coming up in the fall.  More to be done – organize, count, and photograph – but it’s a start in our quest to showcase the sub-collections of our vintage dinnerware.

Our style for tackling tasks is to work on several projects at a time. So, we also unpacked our collection of vintage doilies for our Linen Inventory page. We now have stacks of petite, medium, large, and grand vintage doilies. Tablecloths, overlays, and placemats are next on the list. Here’s our stack of 50 petite vintage doilies!

Vintage Doilies at Southern Vintage Table

Our biggest accomplishment is the recently pressed Vintage Planters Inventory page.  We love these planters that come in all colors, materials, and shapes!  With a gorgeous bouquet or small plant tucked inside, they will add drama and color to any table.

Vintage Planters at Southern Vintage Table

That’s our week!  The snow will soon melt, which is why we love it in NC, and we’ll continue focusing on our goals in the upcoming weeks. Robert Collier perfectly captured this week’s progress with this quote…

~ Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out. ~

Southern Vintage Table Vintage China Rental NC