My friend, Carrie of Fernrock Farm, shared with me a terrific episode from P. Allen Smith’s Garden show. It featured a farmhouse dinner table set in one of my favorite vintage patterns, Blue Willow. With beautiful bouquets of yellow-green flowers and blueberry springs in a lush green outdoor setting, the dinner party was ready for guests. The second part of the episode was devoted to unconventional planters made from logs and branches. Carrie often has these at her stand at the Carrboro Farmers’ Market. As we were talking about my blog for this week, Carrie suggested I share my own version of unconventional planters in milk glass, porcelain, metal and wood. Brilliant!
I love vintage milk glass and with hens and chicks and other sedums, the milky white color just pops! I supplied the milk glass compotes and Carrie filled them with the greenery for an upcoming wedding next month. She and Gerri made a burlap bowl so the arrangement can easily slip out of the container. They are so charming!
Have a chip, crack or handle broken? No worries – turn the unusual or beautiful china dish into a planter! Drill a hole in the bottom with a porcelain drill bit and it’s ready for planting. These two cups are from a vintage Franciscan pattern from the 1980s. Below is an assortment of teacups, creamers and bowls filled with sweet sedums.
Metal dishes are even easier to convert into planters and Fernrock Farm usually has vintage copper molds available at their market stand. I found this blue metal pitcher someone had used to mix paint. The inside looks messy but who would know with a beautiful mix of sedums hiding it? The two metal bowls, one aluminum and one silver plated, also make wonderful, distinctive planters.
Here are two whimsical planters – a fountain and a egg basket. The pump on the fountain no longer worked so I drilled a few holes in the bottom for drainage and the basket is so quaint with a small plant tucked inside!
I love this transformation! With a vintage blackboard framed sign, guests immediately feel welcomed with this greeting station!
These lovely, sedum-filled, unconventional containers and planters are available from Southern Vintage Table. Add vintage and garden beauty to your table at your next gathering!
Be sure to also check out Fernrock Farm‘s offerings on their Facebook page or visit their market stand at the Carrboro Farmers’ Market on Saturday mornings. Their locally grown flowers are beautiful, especially the dahlias!
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