Happy Thanksgiving! With this vintage embossed postcard from 1912, we extend good wishes and good health to all of you. This year’s family holiday will be one we will remember and serves to underscore how vital it is to be mindful of the wellbeing of others.
But, we’d like to tell what we learned about this vintage postcard that’s over 100 years old. There are two interesting details – a bit of information underneath the corn and the handwritten message to Miss Sanford from Isabella.

And, after much research, here’s what we know about “Design Copyrighted Only 1912 by Heymann.” First, we couldn’t find anything except that there’s quite a few Heymann vintage cards for sale. We had assumed the artwork was created by Heymann but that’s not the case. Heymann was part of Heymann and Schmidt, a luxury paper and printing company in Berlin. In addition to printing postcards, they produced calendars, posters, greeting cards, and packaging. Their items were shipped across the world. According to one source, the printing portion of the business operated from about 1904-1930. These postcards are highly collectable today. We still have two questions – who was the artist and why does it say “only 1912”? If anyone knows, do tell!
Now for the message. You can see that it was not mailed because there is no stamp or postmark. Why, we wonder? But, Isbella really wanted her friend, Miss Sanford, to come and spend Friday night with her, perhaps the day after Thanksgiving. We hope she did!

Dear Miss Sanford,
I want you to spend the night before you goes home. Can you come Friday night or not and if you can, come visit come Friday night. Please send me word what night you wish to stay. I am looking for Delia and Fannie. Robert won’t be here Friday night he is going to the large (lodge?) so Please send me word
From Isbella Trotter. by Hand
Thanksgiving will be different this year for many of us, including the Bass-Heath-Roberson clan. For over 6 decades we have gathered together sharing our speciality dishes to celebrate this day – aunts, uncles, grandparents, nieces, nephews, cousins, children, sisters, brothers, and friends. It became our yearly family reunion and the time we caught up with other’s lives and families.
This year we’ll be at our own homes and we’ll be okay. That’s because we will be keeping ourselves and our loved ones safe so we can return to this family tradition next year. The good part is we’ll have even more to share with each other!